Related Links
1. Sanction Letter
2. SSIP Non-Disclosure Agreement
3. SSIP Attendance surety by all team members
4. Pre-approval for Purchase
5. Format for Quotation
6. Comparison of Quotes
7. Price Reseaonability Report
8. Office Order
9. Bill Passing Format
10. Payment Order
11. Receipt
12. Mentor_Manual
13. Process after selection of project for SSIP funding
14. Process upto selection of project for SSIP funding
15. SSIP guidelines for funding
16. Annexure I-Utilization Certificate from Innovator
17. List of Supported IPR
18. List of Supported Projects for PoC_Prototype Funding
SSIP Reports
1. AY: 2017-18
2. AY: 2018-19
3. AY: 2019-20
4. AY: 2020-21
5. AY: 2021-22
6. AY: 2022-23