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Department News

Yax Sheth (2010-14) - Received Business Mint Nation Wide Rising Entrepreneur Award – Block chain development category (Year 2022)
Jay Sharma (18EL045) , Received Best Student Awards at Student Chapter ISTE Gujarat State Award 2022
Republic Day Celebration
Shrey Shah(21EL080) student of Electronics Engineering Department stood 1st for his photography in a competition "Krishi Manthan" organized by IIM Ahmedabad.
The tribute was given to Pujya Swami Vivekanand on National Youth Day by the staff members of Electronics Engineering Department.
Industrial Visit Organized: Visit to Pruthvi Engineering and Rhino Industries at Vitthal Udhyognagar GIIDC as part of the Student Induction Program.
Dr. M.S. Holia received grant worth 40,000/- for "Robotics Application" by NVIDIA.
Hrushikesh Mayurbhai Vegad(19EL092) student of Electronics Engineering Department stood 1st in GTU Zonal Chess Tournament at ITM Vadodara.
Student team of Darshit Darji, Vrushal Vara, Rutvik Valand, Vivek Solanki, Naitik Dalwadi, Dr. D.M.Patel (Mentor) achieved Winning Position in second stage and Rs. 1,00,000/- Cash Prize Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Under Water Robot” category in August 2021
Student Team of Ishwaiy Joshi, Rutvik Valand, Vivek Solanki, Dipesh Vadhvani and Vishvas Suthar Dr. M. S. Holia (Mentor) achieved Winning Position in second stage and Rs. 1,00,000/- Cash Prize Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Microrobots” in August-2021.
Academic Interaction with Dr. Urmila Patil (Dean Academics, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune) at Electronics Engineering Department.
Two students have received the PhD degree in June-2021 and July-2021 respectively under the guidance of Dr. M.S.Holia.
The student of Electronics Engg. Department,Yash Sangale (20EL013) rank Corporal from Cadet on 26th July 2021 in NCC. In regards to Successfully conducting Kargil Vijay Diwas Celebration (online).
(1) Dr.T.D. Pawar and Dr.M.S. Holia have Developed Signal Processing and Image Processing Lab by AICTE MODROB ofRs. 12,60,000. (2) Dr. T. D. Pawar and Prof. (Ms.) P. H. Panchal get grant for Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory MODROBS – AICTE of Rs. 8,84,313
Prapti Bhajiyawala student of Electronic Department, GATE Score 603 AIR-1174 (GATE 2021).
Dr. Jagdishkumar Rathod received "Gaurav Puraskar" based on Research Excellence in individual category on 3-3-2021 by Charutar Vidya Mandal
Dr Jagdish Kumar Mohanlal Rathod has received Bharati award for honor about his Achievement and Contribution in Nation Building on 2020.He has received various achievements including followings in this 2020,5 Stars for Edge India Times Award, I2OR National Eminent Researcher Award 2020, INSPIRA-IRA ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD – 2020, InSc Research Excellence Award and headed more.Dr. J M Rathod, Dr. Jayesh Pitroda have received grant for SC-ST Hostel AICTE New Delhi of Rs. 2,00,00,000
Dr. J. M. Rathod received "INSPIRA-IRA academic excellence award – 2020"
Dr. T. D. Pawar and Prof. (Ms.) P. H. Panchal get grant for Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory MODROBS – AICTE of Rs. 8,84,313
Dr. D.M. Patel (Mentor) and student team of Darshit Darji, Vrushal Vara, Rutvik Valand, Vivek Solanki, Naitik Dalwadi win the competition and get Rs. 50,000 Cash Prize in Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Under Water Robot” category in January 2021
Dr. M.S. Holia Received Gold medal and top position in NPTEL, MHRD MOOC course, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” offered by IIT Kharagpur. January-2021.Dr Holia and Student Team of IshwariyaJoshi, Rutvik Valand, Vivek Solanki, Dipesh Vadhvani and Vishvas Suthar Secured winning Position and Rs. 50,000 Cash Prize in Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Microrobots” in January-2021. Dr. M.S. Holia has got grant from NVIDIA GPU of Rs.1,25,000 for Content Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
Hrushikesh Vegad(19EL092)achieved Winning Position and Rs. 50,000 Cash Prize Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOSTunder “Pipe Climbing” category in January 2021.
Darshir Darji(19EL058)Achieved Winning Position and Rs. 50,000 Cash Prize Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Under Water Robot” category in January 2021
Jay Goswami(19EL053)HackBash a National level Hackathon 2021, Winner and Winning Position and Rs. 50,000 Cash Prize Robofest 2.0 organized by GUJCOST under “Prosthetic Limbs” category in January 2021
Ishwariya Joshi student of Electronic Department won following awards 1) In IIT Bombay techfest International Micromouse challenge is organized in first time and our tram from BVM has won a second prize in this event. Dated 05-01-2020. (2) Dot Slash 3.0 Hackathon in SVNIT Surat 2020 - This is the 48 hours long hackathon and tramiTronics won a First prize in this hackathon dated 18-01-2020. (3) HexaHive 2.0, Parul Institute of Technology -This is a 24-hour run hackathon and secured 2nd positionin this competition. Dated 27-02-2020. (4) Technext 1.0, GSFC University - Its 24-hour long hackathon first time organized in GSFC University and our team iTronics won a 1st prize. Dated 01-03-2020. (5) GUJCOST Robofest 1.0 Rover Category - GUJCOST organized a robotic competition called Robofest 1.0 and our Team BVM had taken part in this event and we cleared the three and won a total Prize money of Rs. 5,00,000 dated 14-12-2020. (6) Indian International Science Festival 2020 - In this year, India hosted the International Science Festival in the category of engineering model. We took part and secured 3rd Prize in this event dated 24-12-2020
Prof. M.M. Solanki, Dr. J. M. Rathod Get grant from Design and Analysis of Wireless Communication system for improvement in system parameters using Adaptive MIMO-OFDM GUJCoSTRs. 4,85,000
Dr. J. M. Rathod and Dr. M. M. Solanki have developed Advanced Communication Engineering Lab AICTE MODROB Rs.6,48,000.
Pankti Shah, (B. Tech. Electronics – 18EL030) Secured 2nd Rank in all over the India in “AISYWLC GOT TALENT” Competition
Robofest Gujarat 1.0 Competetion
Rutvi Tanna(19EL072)Achieved Winning the position “Corporate’s Ethics Competition “in September 2020
Aditya Pandey(19EL072)Participated in the inter college online elocution competition conducted by SADAR PATEL COLLEGE OF ADMINISTRATION held on 30th September secured 1st place in it.
Darshana - 17EL018, Dhwani Trivedi- 17EC411,Sakshi Mehta 17EC403 achieved Runner's Up position in ssip ideathon Post pandemic business section. Topic : "Future Nova" on 20th June.
Harsh Mehta 19EL083 received 3th rank in event, Traklnvest Shaastra Mixed Bag#1 National level quiz competition” during 14-6-2020 organised by IIT Madras.
Harsh Mehta 19EL083 received 1st rank in event, AGNITO Ideathon competition” during 13-6-2020 organized by IEEE MBIT SB
Dr. T. D. Pawar has achieved 97% score in Discrete time Signal Processing (8 Weeks) on the SWAYAM platform, NPTEL , during the Jan-Apr 2020 semester
Dr. M. S. Holia has achieved 99% score in Microprocessors And Microcontrollers (12 Weeks) on the SWAYAM platform, NPTEL , during the Jan-Apr 2020 semester
Aishwariy Joshi 18EL315 received 1st position and hardware kit in competition Helium IoT for Good organized by huckster on 29th may, 2020.
Aishwariy Joshi 18EL315 received 1st position in competition Hardware Hunt organized by ADIT IEEE SB on 20th may, 2020.
Harsh Mehta 19EL083 received 6th rank in event, Traklnvest BTC stock simulation Game”during 15-5-2020 to 14-06-2020 orgainized by Internshala.
Harsh Mehta (19EL083) Received 6th rank in event, Traklnvest BTC stock simulation Game” during 15-5-2020 to 14-06-2020 organized by Internshala. (2) received 3th rank in event, TraklnvestShaastra Mixed Bag#1 National level quiz competition” during 14-6-2020 organised by IIT Madras. Student (3) received 1st rank in event, AGNITO Ideathon competition” during 13-6- 2020 organized by IEEE MBIT SB
Shrey S Shah(18EL031) has secured second position in Photography competition held in BBIT college during March-2020.
Techfest: "Electrovation 2020"